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Triclosan is a potent hormone disruptor including estrogen, androgen, and thyroid hormone systems. There is evidence that it may be involved in certain forms of breast cancer, early onset of puberty in girls, and delayed brain development.

Sodium laureth sulfate, or SLES, is a widely used detergent present in many shampoos and personal care items. This compound can be irritating to the eyes and skin, and may contain the carcinogen dioxane. According to a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency study, sodium laureth sulfate applied above a 5 percent concentration produced severe irritation, hair loss and death in laboratory animals.

Hydroquinone causes severe burning or stinging sensations, hives, breathing trouble, and facial, throat or mouth swelling. An allergic reaction to hydroquinone should be considered a medical emergency.

1,4 Dioxane
1,4-Dioxane has the ability to cause liver and kidney injury by all routes of exposure in animal studies at the sufficiently high dosage.

Imidazolidinyl Urea
These chemicals are linked to allergies, chest pain, chronic fatigue, depression, dizziness, ear infections, headaches, joint pain, loss of sleep, and can trigger asthma. They can weaken the immune system, and, surprise surprise, cause cancer. Imidazolidinyl Urea and DMDM Hydantoin are used in skin, body and hair products, antiperspirants and nail polish.

Toxic is harmful to the environment or hazardous to your health if inhaled, ingested or absorbed through the skin.

Because of GMOs After the extended period plant is exposed to an antibiotic, it will grow a resistance to the drug. That makes it more difficult to eliminate when it is posing a health threat to a human. The CDC reports that more than 2 million people are infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria every year and over 20,000 people die from those infections.

Toluene may have an effect on your nervous system (brain and nerves). Nervous system effects can be temporary, such as headaches, dizziness, or unconsciousness. However, effects such as incoordination, cognitive impairment, and vision and hearing loss may become permanent with repeated exposure, especially at concentrations associated with intentional solvent abuse.